24 February 2006


These are from some 2004 Alma Heights thing. So cute.



Here is our cute little OPC High School Winter Camp staff team. L-R: Phil Nakhla, Rev. Roger Wagner, Bill Parkinson, Dave Crum, Ken, Jane Crum, me, Susan Winslow, Linda Pasarilla, and Sami & Kevin Brandon.

Notes of interest and fame:
- Yep, Phil Nakhla is one of the famous Nakhlas from Calvary OPC in La Mirada.

- Roger Wagner is the famous pastor of Bayside OPC in Chula Vista (San Diego).

- Bill Parkinson's fake Ugg Boots are actually from Costco. Aren't they awesome? He is from an OPC in Torrance that used to be pentecostal but became Reformed over the course of many years. He brought like 20 kids with him!

- Dave & Jane Crum are from Tijuana and are missionaries sent out by the So. Cal Presbytery of the OPC. Before becoming a missionary, Dave played McGivor (sp?) on TV, I am told. Just kidding. But seriously. Dave was the camp director, and Jane cooked awesome food for us all weekend.

- Susan Winslow is just completely awesome. She thinks she might be too old to be a counselor. But the high school girls think she is really great. They love to hear about how she met Dave. The Winslows are from Westminster OPC (formerly Garden Grove) and Dave Winslow is Pam Majauskas's brother.

- Linda came and helped Jane cook! She is from the OPC in Costa Mesa.

- The Brandons are from Faith OPC in Long Beach. Kevin can solve a Rubix cube in 45 seconds. He is like the 125th best Rubix-cube solver in the world. Sami is a teacher and a co-worker of Buzzy's at the Christian school at Westminster OPC. She went to Biola and knows Jessica Jamison!

* Just a little FYI... my team, "My Way or the Highway to Hell," came in 2nd for skits. We were awesome though... we won first place for costumes. We had a Wizard of Oz theme and I was the cowardly lion. My costume was seriously awesome. Tabitha (from HARVEST, Represent) won best actress for her performance as Glinda the Good Princess, and Daniel won Best Line for his little soliloquy as the Scarecrow. I personally thought all of our team was great. We seriously were Oscar material.

02 February 2006

Three Things

OK. I am posting. Finally! You probably thought I was dead.

Three things:

1. I bought beer today and WAS NOT CARDED. What in the world? Was it my matronly outfit? The glasses? The grey hair? grrrrrrrrrr. I am never wearing that outfit again.

2. We are all moved in to the Avocado House!! It is so great and quiet and fun and huge. The view of the city lights from up on top of the hill is AMAZING! If anyone wants to come visit, there are 6 places for you to sleep (counting the weird long and wide cupboard if you want to pretend you're Fernando from Catacombs)

3. If you have nothing to eat except pantry items, try this: just make some pasta with white sauce (melt 2 T. butter in a saucepan, then stir in salt, pepper and 2 T. flour until bubbly, then stir in 1 c. milk and boil and stir for one minute. I added some basil to make a pretend creamy-pesto sauce).

To make it seem more real, throw in a vegetable. I found a red pepper and cut it up and threw it in. It was gourmet! mwa! (kiss)