03 March 2006

Ready to be Weirded Out?

For those of you who remember this church before it became a Tim-Keller-carbon-copy, check this out.

Especially interesting is the "History" tab under "Identity & Mission." If you are a Hitchman, you'll find it interesting, I am sure.


emilie said...

hey, yeah, that is interesting. I didn't think of that. Maybe he didn't actually leave then...? hm. Maybe it was his last hurrah.

Russ said...

Hey Em! That's where I've been going to church the last month or so... Still checking things out, but so far the preaching has been solid, and the locals are friendly...
Hope you guys are doing well!

emilie said...

good times. I think it's a whole different crew since the Hitchmans went there back in the day. Do you know Jesse Lind yet? Good guy.

Anonymous said...

Of course he's a good guy. Anyone who likes Metallica has to be good.


Lydia said...

I haven't talked to him since Kilter 2003. He still is an interesting kid! :)