It is hot. But Saturday was the worst: I heard reports of 109, 110, 111, 112, 113 and 114 (successively.. it was sort of like a fish story).
I heard there were even fatalities! We did our best to stay cool and so didn't die - but I think my pepper plant might be a casualty. It is not looking too good anymore and every time I water it, more of its leaves fall off. They are healthy looking leaves, but then they just drop to the ground. :( Any tips?
We camped out on the porch last night. It was nice and cool (relatively speaking)... but there were scary noises coming from the woods. ! Yikes....
Yay! I am glad to hear you are alive! I was worried about you... heat waves, fires, it sounds miserable! We were all cranky up here and it was only 95! I had to go out and buy a fan... i tried one night without one- needless to say, I didn't get much sleep.
Sorry about your pepper plant. My avocado isn't doing too hot either... : (
wow. the new dog? mollie muffet or whatever?
that can't be healthy.
hence the screened-in. it's really good for that.
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