27 June 2005

I got glasses and suddenly have become a vegetarian and do not wear makeup. Posted by Hello


emilie said...

nope. not all the time. but i sort of wish i did because they are so cool. :)
they are mostly for driving and watching far-away movies. my eyes are 20/40 without them.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Your glasses look like mine! What I mean is, nice glasses Em! By the way, I don't recommend driving and watching far-away movies, no matter what glasses you're wearing.

emilie said...


Marie said...

DUDE! Good job, those are SO cool. I want some! What'd you do, sit too close to the tv and read in the dark? :)

emilie said...

I recommend staring wide-eyed at your computer for approximately 8 hours every day. :I