04 August 2005

My New Job

My new job rocks. (I feel like I'm writing: Brinkley. Brinkley is my dog.)

Anyway, it does. I come there, people tell me I'm a genius (except Mary, the receptionist, who was told that I'm good at computers - ?), they laugh at my jokes, I laugh at their jokes, I get to talk to intelligent people all day, when I make dumb mistakes they are patient, etc., etc.

Plus, in a few weeks I am going to meet 70 new friends.

Can I stay here forever?


emilie said...

oh believe you me, we are eating lentils every night. So it's not TOO comfortable. (good timing to become a vegetarian eh? right before seminary?)

On the other hand.. it is still America, the land of having whatever you want (pretty much).

emilie said...

OOh, like Maggie, ta da ta da?