So I'm sitting here at work listening to the Flaming Lips (thanks, Tami) and this dude comes into my office, so I'm like, "Hi, can I help you?" and he says (nodding in Dr. Godfrey's office's direction), "Is he here?"
Now most people who come in here don't want to see me anyway. They are looking for Dr. G. Which is fine. But at least say hi back. Responding is very important if you want to be a social success. After I told the guy, "No, he's out today," he just left. No "OK thanks" or even "oh." What the?
Em! I totally understand- how about this one- "Good morning, how are you today?" the response? "double tall nonfat latte" - last time i checked, that was not a state of being. What is with people?
And you can call me venti ice water :).
I don't know what is with people. Also - maybe this is a Southern thing but when you say "How are you?" and they don't say anything back? Hmm....
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